Hey RJ Reynolds, you AND your Vuse e-cig suck.

Update at the bottom.

I got coupons for a free Vuse e-cig and some cartridges –and being poor, and a vape’r and a lover of free shit thru couponing… I went and grabbed some today. Good timing because I was out of juice for my mod e-cig.
But then I came home and Googled the Vuse and found something very interesting… this article that tells us RJ Reynolds, the maker of Vuse, is lobbying to ban vaping. And I am sure you are not so dumb as to not figure out why. $$$$ –oh but not all vaping, their e-cigs will be just fine.

Now, in the past I had tried what I call “stick” e-cigs or what others call cigalikes, and found them hideously awful.  My complaint… they are “dry”. It’s like sucking air. If this is the only thing you’ve tried before and decided vaping isn’t for you –you need to try again with the mods and juices. When I was only using the Blu “stick” e-cig I smoked regular cigs right along with it. It wasn’t until I found tanks and adjustable batteries that I was able to give up the cancer sticks.

The difference was the flavor and vapor. By the way, to get to the point and the title of this blog… the Vuse is awful. It’s actually worse than Blu. It’s dry as hell. And the flavor of the ‘regular’ is… um… Nothing? It’s just really gross. I’ll be heading to my favorite Naples Vapor tomorrow for my Tahitian Peach!
The mods give you much more flavor and vapor and it most resembles smoking a cigarette.  Those ‘sticks’ just don’t even come close.
Too, vaping with juices and refillable tanks can by done for an avg of $20 a month if you were a pack a day smoker. That is what I pay. These “stick” e-cigs like Vuse are likely to run you $120 or more a month.

Thanks to mods and tanks and juices I quit smoking two years ago.
No, there are no long term studies on the effects of vaping on humans. But here is what I can tell you after 2 years… I have my senses of taste and smell back. I rarely get sick and I don’t cough up a lung every day. I *AM* healthier than I was. Might we find out later that they cause cancer? –Sure. Maybe.
But the FEW chemicals that are in the ecigs, pale in comparison to the over 4,000 in a cigarette. What I am choosing to do may not be safe –but it’s safer, much much much safer.

Also, the studies I saw in the past on vapor that tried to tell us all that vaping is BAD, found 1-2 chemicals in the FIRST HAND vapor. I, coming from vaccine unicorn land, always look to see who authored and paid for the study. Tobacco paid for the studies. Follow the money.

RJ Reynolds, quit fucking around. Stop pretending you care about the health of your customers.  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? YOU SELL CANCER. This is all about profit.

Sure, maybe someone can adulterate the juice –but any one can poison anything now, can’t they?  In my 4 years of vaping, with the past 2 being heavy usage I’ve never been sickened by the juice I buy.
(lol well… maybe today that will change as I sit here puffing on a foul tasting Vuse cartridge.)

Public comment to the FDA is closed now, but keep track of the ongoing battle at Free To Vape.

By the way… in a pinch… I have tried the FIN brand and they are NOT BAD. They are NOT GREAT. They are not as good as the mods, but they are the best of the sticks that I have tried.

One more final thought, a quote from a really dark, twisted, perverted, funny girl I know: “Sucking on one of these cigalikes is about as satisfying as I would imagine giving head to a vibrator is.”
–Yeah, OK… it was me.

[Update: Not even 24 hours later the cartridge is empty. It’s their “special” technology. So you can’t even puff on it if you want to, to get the last bit of goodness (um… crapness?) out of it. It shuts off whether you want it too or not. So yeah… this would easily run you $120 or more a month. Total fucking garbage.]

You ignorant, servile scum!

What were you thinking? Dragging our asses half way around the world, interrupting our lives… For what?  You ignorant, servile scum! What the fuck are we doing here?

This was an old blog. Full of ranting and screaming.
And somewhere in the middle of it is a bit of good writing –or… at least the pieces of what could be good writing. But… “That’s enough, Webster. Give it a rest.”

I am deleting a LOT. You are welcome. Just saving some snippets… so if it doesn’t flow easy, just remember that I deleted a lot of ALL CAP CURSING:

On a recent re-watch of Band of Brothers, when Webster spoke, it hit me a different way.  My mind went to autism immediately as I pondered, “What the fuck are were doing here?” I DO feel like my ass was dragged half way around the world –a life interrupted –and for what? Ego and Profit. What. The FUCK. Are we DOING here?

When I had a child in 1996 it never even occurred to me that I should question the doctors that were caring for me and my newborn.  They were my coworkers.  I was just sure they had my best interests in mind and that they had the best training and experience that they could possibly have.

But, this is 2011. People like me are shoving the vaccine debate in your face on a daily basis. We are screaming… SCREAMING that autism is a MEDICAL disorder. We are posting study after study that support the link between vaccines and autism. We are talking –you are ignoring.

Vaccines are SUPPOSED to be a matter of RISK vs. BENEFIT.  LIKE ALL MEDICINES they carry a risk of severe injury up to and including DEATH.  THEREFORE the THING you are fighting ought to have a higher risk of such an outcome.
Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps… are not deadly.  They are pains in the ass… but not deadly.
There is a difference between DEADLY disease and child hood illnesses.

Group Think –it’s nothing to be PROUD OF.

Somewhere along the way, while the humans were choosing to remain passive, uninformed morons… the vaccine manufactures who makes BILLIONS upon BILLIONS from vaccines took advantage OF our ignorance and pushed through one of the MOST successful advertising, PR campaigns in MOTHER FUCKING HISTORY –next to Hitler’s that is…

Have YOU PEOPLE noticed something?? Did you notice that ONE generation ago, we all got about 8 shots and NO ONE in this country died from MASSIVE disease epidemics?  HAVE YOU bothered to notice that kids now get 36 shots before they are 18 months old?  51 by age 5?? Have you noticed that chronic illness now DEFINES us??

How much is too much people? When does the fucking light bulb go off over your heads?? WHAT does it TAKE for you to look up from the herd and say, “What the fuck?? This is OUT OF CONTROL!”

I rather be shot by Jim Jones than forced to drink his Kool-aide. That’s just how I roll.

What the fuck are we doing here?

THIS IS 2011. NOW, TODAY! Your inaction –your refusal to educate yourselves –your refusal to break free from the group-thinking herd is KILLING children.

In the Army we were taught that it is OK to refuse unlawful orders. See, even the US Army says it’s ok to contemplate whether or not your orders are moral and legal. Is THAT basic HUMAN instinct bred out of the vast majority?

It is TIME to stop taking someone’s word for it! It is TIME to STOP thinking that vaccines are mandatory and that they are safe and effective –just because someone told you so.  It’s time to stop listening to ASSHATS like Paul Offit and the Mainstream Media without doing the research and reading and thinking for YOURSELF.

When we finally admit what causes autism… we CAN stop it.
When we finally admit what autism IS…. We can treat it and for some, even recover their kids.

Hey You! Hey You! That’s right… you STUPID American Idiots…. That’s right… Say HELLO to the Autism Warrior Mothers and Fathers!  You stupid Pharma Whores! Look at you!!! You have fraudulent studies!! What were you thinking? Dragging our asses half way around the world, interrupting our lives… For what?  You ignorant, servile scum! What the fuck are we doing here?

Autism. Agent Orange. Dioxins. MTHFR. Oh my.

I first wrote this blog a year ago and took it down from the old site to move here. I’ve updated and made some edits. It probably should be two separate blogs but… whatever. Take a coffee break in the middle.

Part 1.

Let me start with this: Autism is not one thing. Autism is the manifestation of cellular/organ damage.  It’s a list of symptoms (“features”) and if you have enough of them, you win the autism diagnosis.  Those “features” are the result of various injuries to the body.

This is the biggest stumbling block to helping the general population realize that vaccines can (and do) cause “autism”.  When you understand the individual “features”, or symptoms, of autism, then you can better understand the biological plausibility of vaccines causing “autism”.

Vaccines are known to cause various encephalopathies and those can cause the symptoms that land you the ASD diagnosis.
So vaccines cause autism.
If you refuse to see that, then you refuse to see that turning the ignition key in your car is what starts your engine just because in between the key turn and engine roaring, is a starter (I am sure there are more things but I have the girl-dumb when it comes to cars).

Now that that is out of the way…

Society has changed so much in the last 50-100 years.  Chemicals that never existed before are suddenly here. We introduced these things into the world without doing any long term studies. Well… the ‘studies’ are being done. On a mass scale. To all of us, without informed consent –just by existing in the world today.

One thing I read this morning is about the CDC f*cking up and around with Agent Orange claims.  One particular passage caught my eye as I was skimming:

“After the date of the congressional hearing with Admiral Zumwalt, Coleen Boyle was listed as part of a study that looked at the prevalence of Viet Nam veterans who had children with spina bifida called “The Embryo Study”.  The study showed that those men who had reported a higher exposure to Agent Orange had a higher than normal likelihood of fathering children with spina bifida.”

It caught my eye for many reasons –like the article points out, Coleen is one of the douchebags dicking around our children on the autism issue today. (My words of course 😉 2014 UPDATE: And now we know she perjured herself in front of congress thanks to the CDC Whistle Blower, William Thompson).

But… The other reason it caught my eye… I’ve been taking informal polls on this issue for a while now.  Those of us with autistic kids seem to have a disproportionate number of fathers who served in Vietnam or were in the area at the time, OR otherwise exposed to dioxins.
Agent Orange. Agent Orange contains Dioxins. Dioxins are known to damage DNA and result in birth defects to include developmental delay and neural tube defects.
Dioxin exposure is cumulative and never really leaves your body and the average person is already walking around at the “upper allowable limits” for a human.
Toxin exposure can alter DNA

Made me think of MTHFR mutations.
These are mutations that effect the methylation cycle in the body.
They are common in autism.

My son has Spina Bifida Occulta.  He and I both have Chiari Malformations where our brains are so freaking large they push out of our skulls.  😉  Yeah it’s like that!  –My son has mild Scoliosis too.
Chiari is a common theme in the the daughters of Vietnam vets.
Chiari and Scoliosis and Spina bifida (also common in kids and grand kids of Vietnam vets) are all neural tube issues –MTHFR can explain that.  Dioxins mutating the MTHFR genes, causing folate issues in the daughters of Vietnam vets can explain a LOT of this.
Visit Mthfr.net as a jump off for info on this.


Thankfully, these conditions for my son are mild. At least I think the Chiari is mild. The symptoms can overlap with… wait for it… AUTISM! (Features of autism, remember!)

I spoke to a Chiari specialist (who is becoming an Autism/Chiari specialist).  He told me that while there are no official numbers, Chiari IS HIGHER IN THE AUTISM POPULATION vs. the general population. I wonder if it’s higher in the military veteran/family population.  Because that is my experience as well.
(And side note while I am at it, the number of moms who got the mercury laden versions of the Rhogam shot is MUCH higher in autism populations as well.)

I did the 23andme.com DNA test for myself and my boys… and let me tell you, we are a bunch of mutated MTHFRs. (Yeah, read that as Mother Fuckers, we all do, it’s OK). Gavin has a mild form of spina bifida because all the folic acid I consumed in my pregnancy was damn near USELESS.  My youngest didn’t suffer this because I was eating WHOLE foods containing lots of folate during my pregnancy with him. Folate my body can use. My body cannot break down folic acid into the folate form it needs.

Not only did my ASD child have a Vietnam vet Grandpa one my side, his paternal Grandfather was ALSO in Vietnam. Most of Gavin’s mutations are homozygous.  He got a dose of mess from me and from his dad.
My child was fucked. He didn’t have a chance once vaccines were injected into his body… with his altered DNA and messed up metabolic pathways and toxic load handed down by his mother. It was the perfect storm.


My youngest son has even worse mutations. Super glad I didn’t vaccinate him.

And NOW they want to start using Agent Orange again… on our crops.. Um… what?

The dioxin issue came into sharp focus in Australia last year, when investigative journalists found high levels of dioxin in supplies of 2,4-D (the same supplier that provides 2,4-D to American customers).

Petition here, for what’s it worth.

We are pummeled with toxins at every turn.

Features of autism?
Vaccines are one cause of systemic damage that causes the body to behave in patterns and ways that we identify as features of autism.
Petro chemicals and how they are processed into our plastics are one cause of systemic damage that causes the body to behave in patterns and ways that we identify as features of autism.
GMO’s are one cause of systemic damage that causes the body to behave in patterns and ways that we identify as features of autism.
Genetic disorders of mutations and deletions are one cause of systemic damage that causes the body to behave in patterns and ways that we identify as features of autism.

We will never be able to scientifically prove ONE cause by today’s standards. Never. But we need to stop this game of semantics and realize that way too many human offspring are being born with developmental malformations and genetic predispositions that need only the addition of an environmental trigger to mess them up for life.  And so much in our environment has changed to cause these problems.

To go back 50 years, we need to go back 50 years. We need to completely change our way of life.

Our species is on its way out, I can’t say it loudly or often enough.  If you are OK with that… Then keep on this path.  Buy 5 soft drinks a day in plastic bottles.  Eat poorly, the GMOs and processed foods and spend all your time sick and all your money on medicine that is shortening your life. Get your vaccines instead of just staying healthy and eating right. Enjoy all your electronic MUST HAVES –that not only pollute the environment by means of coal fired plants but with electro-smog as well. We are electrical creatures.  This IS affecting us. Use up all the oil. Bathe in the radioactive fall out.

Part 2… maybe? I think I was manic when I wrote this last year…

Let’s talk cumulative, generational damage…. shall we?
This looks like a poem:

I still remember being smart.
Being able to read something quickly, comprehend, synthesize, and apply.
After so many vaccines… so many…
Let’s not forget the times I volunteered to be injected with shit at WRAIR to get out of work early –they said it was allergy testing. Maybe it was. Maybe.
After all the mercury fillings…
Various work place chemical exposures…
I struggle.
I’ve paid almost $400 in fines this year because I don’t remember to inspect and register my car –so I keep getting pulled over.
I broke my new lawnmower in May when I got it. I’m going to call them soon to get it fixed. Soon.
My car needs repairs. I’m going to call the mechanic tomorrow to get it in. Tomorrow.
I’ve been going to order DNA tests for all of us to confirm my MTHFR suspicions for over a year. (Did it. I was right.)
My latex allergy reached epi-pen proportions 18 months ago. I finally called my doctor last month about that.
It’s not laziness. I can’t prioritize. I forget. Some days I just can’t handle the effort needed to make a phone call.
Sometimes I have to read shit 10 times and still don’t know what I’ve read…

–This damage is generational. It’s getting progressively worse. My parents generation did OK for the most part. My generation I see struggling.  Adult ADHD. Epilepsy. Tourettes. Auto-Immune Disorders. Chronic Inflammation.

I see a generation of Millennials who aren’t doing anything.  They didn’t go to college, a ton of them don’t drive. Some don’t work for no good reason…  Most of these kids were the first to get the harmful Hep B vaccine at birth, they’re the first offspring of humans brought up on processed foods, they ate GMOs in plentiful amounts. But I see that generation as the “in-betweeners” because not all of them got the Hep B and most did not get the amount of vaccines that kids get now.

But the next generation? Those born from the very late 80s onward… They get it all.  Altered DNA, Parental toxic load. GMO/Processed food extravaganza. A dose of Hep B vaccine as a “Welcome to this Cruel World” present, with 36 more vaccines by age 18 months. Fifty-one vaccines by Kindergarten.

I saw two generations above me work all their lives without issue. I saw one generation above me go a good 30-35 years before falling apart.  I put in a good 15 years before life unraveled for me. I know 20-somethings who held jobs for 5 years before their brains and bodies just couldn’t go back. My son will never work a day in his life.

I can’t imagine what the next generation looks like. What are we going to have 50 years from now? When I am 88 years old who will be taking care of all the ill, elderly and disabled when there are no healthy people left?

And now a picture of a cute kitten just to break up all this text and keep your attention. This is my cat, Brick, as a little fluff ball. Never had a vaccine. I am a rebel like that.
And now a picture of a cute kitten just to break up all this text and keep your attention. This is my cat, Brick, as a little fluff ball. Never had a vaccine. I am a rebel like that.

I was reading an article a month or so ago about Gen X vs. Millennials… I read a couple, so maybe in my head they are bleeding together. It had some good points. But one thing bothered me. The author basically said that we Gen X’ers need to put down our kitting and home soap making and canning and go out and lead the world. No statement in recent history brought on such feelings of ambivalence.  Part of me wants that very much… to go out there and shake you all by the shoulders and get you to listen.  Part of me thinks the world and species are too far gone.  I need to knit and garden and make my own soap… and teach my kids the basic homesteading and survival skills that they are going to need in a disastrous future –that is more near than you think.  Our civilization is collapsing.  Do I waste my time trying to convince you too?

Are we OK with damage control and trying to make sure our kids will lead happy and healthy lives? Pack it up and call it a day?
I very much want to have a conversation with my 9 year someday where I beg him to not have children.  Because his life will likely be OK on this planet.  But I don’t think the lives of my Grandchildren would be. Or is there more we can do.  Are there enough of us seeing the iceberg in time to steer away the ship?

‘Autism’ is the sum of all the parts.
Society is collapsing. The human extinction has begun.
Start here. Watch this. –Go pee first so you don’t piss your pants from fear. It’s the documentary “The Disappearing Male”, which I can’t share often enough.

Read this too, look at the photos. Think of Autism while you do. It’s a five part series on Agent Orange and Vietnam. To me, the photos of the affected kids… a lot of them have similar postures of  “autistic” kids. Also, read about the two daughters with Chiari.
[Update 2014: That article link doesn’t work anymore. I am leaving this in the blog as a reminder to myself –Going to dig around and try to find the story. It was an amazing story on the legacy of Agent Orange in Vietnam and back home.]

Oh, Japan! What are you thinking!

Letting all your babies live and shit!

I was working on crunching some numbers for my special video dedication to that Douche Bag, Elizabeth Cohen at CNN, when a little something caught my eye.

I was specifically looking at infant mortality rates because of something she tossed out to dazzle us.  Her reason WHY vaccines are so great –she called this number “stunning”. Vaccines are a “HUGE reason” for this. HUGE she said, with emphasis!


Holy SHIT! Vaccines saved 93 babies per 1000! Er wait… what? 1900? How about 1985 which was before we really started ramping up the vaccine schedule? Oh, 10.6? …Wow. I am really really stunned, Elizabeth. /sarcasm

I was poking around the Google and found this study which shows the relationship between infant mortality and the number of vaccines that kids get before age one, by country.

The more they get, the more they die.

Then I started to poke around in the various countries themselves, through the tubes of the interwebs and UP POPS this headline:

“This is especially a problem in a country that is slow to add new vaccines and has an immunization schedule that resembles the 1983 immunization schedule from the CDC, with kids only getting DTaP, OPV, Measles and Rubella (2 doses), DT (11 Years).”

Those fuckers! (by the way, when Autism rates were 1 in 150 here in the USA, they were 1 in 475 in Japan –ours being 3.2 times worse than theirs*)
ok…. SO…. What is Japan’s Infant mortality rate, considering how careless they are with their vaccine recommendations?
2.17 per 1000.
Ranked #2 for allowing their babies to live.


If vaccines are supposed to make us healthier, how come a country with a vaccine “problem” — a country that gives HALF the number of vaccines to their Under-1 set THAN WE DO here in the USA, loses less than half the babies we do?
From that 2011 study, using 2009 data:
Japan gives 12 vaccines in the first year, 2.79 per 1,000 die.
USA gives 26 vaccines in the first year, 6.22 per 1,000 die.

Yeah. What a fucking problem.
OK, sure… I know what you are thinking….
Their kids probably die in Kindergarten from Chicken Pox!
Japan life expectancy 81.25 years
USA 78.74.

Try again. Japan doesn’t have a problem. The vaccine manufacturers have a profit problem.


Oh and, we have more babies die in the first 24 hours than any other industrialized nation. Couldn’t possibly be the flu shots full of mercury that mom got while pregnant and the Hep B on the first day of little Johnny’s life. Nah. I am sure that is a coincidence. It’s ALL a coincidence.

After all… say it with me now, “Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidence in this country!”

[*The other countries who do a great job at allowing their babies to live, give the same amount of vaccines as Japan, but had even BETTER autism rates. Our kids had anywhere from a 5.7 to 14.6 higher chance of getting autism than in Nordic countries. I can speculate as to why Japan’s autism rate is not as good as theirs –it would involve the legacy of Minamata, mercury contamination in fish, etc.]

[Editing to add some info my friend, David Anderson, posted on Facebook this morning:

Did you know… (and do PLEASE note the total lack of tin foil in my sourcing)

Finland delivers 1/3 the vaccines we do by age 6 (11 vs. 33). Our autism rate 1:68. Finland 1:186

Only 30%-40% of Somalian children are vaccinated against 6 childhood diseases. They have no word for Autism. If Somalian parents have a baby in the US (large refugee population in Minneapolis), 1 in 32 of them have Autism.

Being black may make you more susceptible to vaccine-induced autism. Ugandan refugees’ babies born in Sweden have 200 times the rate of autism that Swedes do. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7787384)

Sweden gives 15 vaccinations before the age of six. Their autism rate is 1 in 125.

The “Danish Study” establishing no-link between Autism and Vaccines conducted by Danish national Poul Thorsen and his MMR safety study are the reason you think vaccines don’t cause autism. He was indicted by a federal judge in Atlanta 3 years ago for fraud: he embezzled $2M of CDC funds that were supposed to fund his research. He remains at large.
(http://oig.hhs.gov/fraud/fugitives/profiles.asp) <—scroll down

And, if you did your own homework, you would see that the rising rates of Autism for the past THIRTY years are in lock step with increases to our own vaccine schedule.”]

Listen, all y’all! It’s a Sabotage!